My Learning Trajectory

Electromechanical Technician

I studied and finished at the Escuela Técnica N°15 'Ing. A. Mercau' as Technician in Electromechanical Equipment and Installations, as one of the best students.

2015 - 2021

Electricity Mechanics Ladder


I took an Introduction to Programming course at CFL 404, where i learn JavaScript basics and HTML, to solve math problems and activities related with data management.
Then I learned more JavaScript, HTML, and CSS on my own on the internet.

2021 - 2022

JavaScript HTML CSS Logical Thinking

Now & Future

I'm starting this 2023 a carrer related to software development (University Systems Programmer). Improving my skills, practicing with some projects and exercises. And I'll become a Software Engineer in the future.

- 2023 -

Advanced JavaScript Programming Bootstrap